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888 Lucky Beer Press Conference in Tokyo, Japan


“People thought 888 Lucky Beer was a really good IPA says Allison"

     888 Lucky Beers Now Looking for Importers Globally ... !!!

Open Letter to President Xi Jinping anf First Lady Peng Liyuan


President Xi Jinping and First Lady Peng Liyuan

 President of the People’s Republic of China

Zhongnanhai, No. 174 Xi Chang’an Jie

Beijing 100017 China


中国北京长安街174号中南海    邮编100017


Dear Mr. President Xi, Ms. Peng and the Great People of China:


China, as one of the four great ancient civilizations of the world, together with ancient Egypt, Babylon and India, did not come about in 8 seconds, 8 minutes or 8 hours or 888. 



ancient civilization of the world

I was always intrigued and fascinated by Chinese culture and especially Kung Fu movies. Crouching Tiger is one of my favorite movies of all time.


Crouching Tiger Movie

Hence, last February of 2015, I had the opportunity to visit your beautiful country, the Mainland of China and spent a month in Chongqing. I visited the statutes of Zhao Yiman in Yibin and Zhu De in Yilong of the Sichuan Province.


It was a dream that materialized just like a movie. The Chinese people are very friendly, hospitable and left a profound joy and admiration in my heart.


After experiencing the social lifestyle and the tradition of cheers or ganbei in China, I was inspired to start a craft beer company from a recipe I developed as a homebrewer.


The style of beer that I developed is the American version of the India Pale Ale or IPA. The IPA style is known for its strong hop character, dates to the 1800s and is the fastest-growing and best-selling style of craft beer in USA.

我开发的这款啤酒是美国版的印度淡色艾尔,简称IPA.  IPA以其强烈的酒花风味为特点,酿造历史始自19世纪,是在当今美国发展最快、销量最好的精酿啤酒。

In November 2015, I was back in Shanghai, China to launch and introduce my IPA Craft Beer named 888 Lucky Beer at the FHC China tradeshow. 


Coincidentally, while in China, I learned you were on a state visit in the United Kingdom, Prime Minister David Cameron and you drunk an IPA style of craft beer. Many Chinese now want to taste the IPA style of beer.

巧合的是,当我在中国期间,得知您正在访问英囯首相戴维• 卡梅伦,你们一起畅饮 IPA精酿啤酒。现在很多中国人都想品尝IPA风味的啤酒。

President Xi Drinking IPA

Therefore, Mr. President, it is an honor to offer you and Ms. Peng, a 6-Pack sample of our American 888 Lucky IPA Craft Beers made in Washington DC USA.


Mr. President Xi and First Lady Ms. Peng, please allow me to offer a toast and cheers or 干杯 of our 888 Lucky IPA Beer by raising my glass up but much lower than both of yours to China's Wealth and Prosperity.

尊敬的习主席和第一夫人彭女士,请允许我举起一杯 IPA 888幸运啤酒, 敬祝你们身体健康、家国兴旺! 干杯! 

6 pack sample of 888 Lucky IPA Beer

In addition, I am pleased to announce that I am in the midst of planning the "First-ever American888 Lucky IPA Craft Beer tours of 9 cities in the Mainland of China at :



1. Beijing - Sister City - Washington D.C. USA


2. Tianjin - Sister City - Philadelphia PA USA


3. Tangshan - Sister City - Houston TX USA


4.  Qinhuangdao - Sister City - Toledo OH USA


5. Shanghai - Sister City - San Francisco CA USA


6. Xiamen - sister City of Baltimore MD USA


7. Shenzhen - Sister City - Houston TX USA


8. Kunming - Sister City - Denver Colorado USA


9. Chengdu - Sister City - Phoenix AZ USA



Date: To be determined

Place: To be determined                                                                                                       




The 888 Lucky Beer event will feature live or DJ of America music, business networking, tastingof our 888 Lucky Craft Beers and information session on the following topics:



I am certain that you will like the 888 Lucky IPA Craft Beer Made in USA and wish you and Ms.Peng as well as the Chinese people many more years of Luck, Wealth and Prosperity or 888. Learn more at


Most Respectfully,

Pierre Richard Augustin, MPA, MBA
President and CEO, AdMerk Corp. Inc.

皮埃尔• 里查徳• 奥古斯汀

888 Lucky IPA Beer by AdMerk Corp. Inc.
20 F Street NW, 7th Fl. Washington D.C. 20001 USA

888 IPA幸运啤酒,阿玛克公司出品
美国华盛顿哥伦比亚特区FI 7号20F大街西北          

# # #


President Xi Jinping, First Lady Peng Liyuan and the Great People of China

President of the People’s Republic of China

Zhongnanhai, No. 174 Xi Chang’an Jie

Beijing 100017 China


Dear Mr. President Xi, Ms. Peng and the Great People of China:


China, as one of the four great ancient civilizations of the world, together with ancient Egypt, Babylon and India, did not come about in 8 seconds, 8 minutes or 8 hours or 888. 


I was always intrigued and fascinated by the Chinese culture and especially Kung Fu movies. Crouching Tiger is one of my favorite movies of all time. Hence, last February of 2015, without knowing the Chinese language or anyone in China, I visited your beautiful country and spent a month in Chongqing. I visited the memorials of Zhao Yiman in Yibin and Zhu De in Yilong of the Sichuan Province.

It was a dream that materialized just like a movie. The Chinese people are very friendly, the mosthospitable and left a profound joy and admiration in my heart. After experiencing the social lifestyle and the tradition of cheers, "ganbei" or 干杯 in China, I was inspired to start a craft beer company from a recipe I developed as a homebrewer.

The style of beer I developed is the American version of the India Pale Ale or IPA. The IPA style is known for its strong hop character, dates to the 1800s and is the fastest-growing and best selling style of craft beer in USA. In November 2015, I was back in Shanghai, China to launch and introduce my IPA Craft Beer named 888 Lucky Beer at the FHC China tradeshow. 

Coincidentally, while in China, I learned you were on a state visit in the United Kingdom, Prime Minister David Cameron and you drunk an IPA style of craft beer. Many Chinese now want to taste the IPA style of beer. Therefore, Mr. President Xi and Ms. Peng, it is an honor to offer you, a 6-Pack sample of our American 888 Lucky IPA Craft Beers made in Washington DC, USA.

In memory and in reciprocity of the warmest and heartfelt welcome that I received in Yibin during the Chinese New Year Celebration in February 2015, I would like to offer the following toasts:

#1 Toast and Cheers or 干杯

Mr. President Xi, First Lady Ms. Peng and the Great People of China, please allow me to offer an imaginary first toast and cheers or 干杯 of our 888 Lucky IPA Beer by raising my glass up but much lower than all of yours to China's Luck, Wealth and Prosperity.

In addition, I am pleased to announce that I am in the midst of planning the "First-ever American888 Lucky IPA Craft Beer tours of 9 cities in the Mainland of China.

#2 Toast and Cheers or 干杯

It will be a great honor to personally offer a second toast and cheers or 干杯 in person to Mr. President  Xi, Ms. Peng and the Great People of China during the first-ever American 888 Lucky IPA upcoming tours of the following cities:


1. Beijing - Sister City - Washington D.C. USA     



2. Tianjin - Sister City - Philadelphia PA USA      



3. Tangshan - Sister City - Houston TX USA      

唐山,美国 德克萨斯州休斯顿友好城市


4.  Qinhuangdao - Sister City - Toledo OH USA      



5. Shanghai - Sister City - San Francisco CA USA     



6. Xiamen - sister City of Baltimore MD USA      



7. Shenzhen - Sister City - Houston TX USA      



8. Kunming - Sister City - Denver Colorado USA      



9. Chengdu - Sister City - Phoenix AZ USA      



Date: To be determined

Place: To be determined


#3 Toast and Cheers or 干杯

I am offering a third toast to the Great People of China because I am certain that you will like the888 Lucky IPA Craft Beer Made in USA.

According to a Chinese proverb:  "Hearing a hundred times is not as good as seeing once."


#4 Toast and Cheers or 干杯

Now that I had seen and experienced personally the beauty and hospitality of far better than ten 

thousand words can express, please allow me to offer one last Toast andCheers or 干杯, Mr.

President Xi, Ms. Peng and the Great People of China, I wish you many more years of Luck,

Wealth and Prosperity or 888. Learn more at


Most Respectfully,

Pierre Richard Augustin, MPA, MBA

President and CEO, AdMerk Corp. Inc.


888 Lucky IPA Beer by AdMerk Corp. Inc.

20 F Street NW, 7th Fl. Washington D.C. 20001 USA


AdMerk Corp. Inc. Headquarters

20 F Street NW Washington DC

20 F Street N.W., 7th Floor, Washington DC 20001 USA (617) 202-8069

Find us on Google+


Pierre Richard AUGUSTIN, President and CEO, AdMerk Corp. Inc., 20 F Street N.W. 7th Fl, Washington DC 20001 USA

"Be Sure To Drink Responsibly". All purchasers in all 50 States of the USA must be 21 or older with valid identification.
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